
Showing posts from December, 2020

Ven diagram


Bullet Train Network 🚅

 Bullet train network in India  508 km in length, the project has called bullet train network.  It is targeted that in 2022, we will be able to use bullet train in the centre of India. It is beneficial for the India. It has a high speed. It is 8 time faster than any other train. It can save our time. It will also decrease the green house gases and improve in the air quality of India.


      Skit Writing Ishika - Patty & Madame zeno Ankit - Author  Shivanshu - Narrator  Kanchan - Snake lady  Vivek - Big AI  Scenario 1 - Meet with " Madam zeno." Author - Hello ! Who are you ?? Zeno - I am Madame Zeno, come inside. "Welcome to madam zeno's tent." ( creep smile)   Zeno - Let me see your hand..... "I see horror in your future, in your immediate future." Author - What..What kind of horror ?? What do you mean ?? ( Stammer)  Zeno - ( Spred two cards ) Choose a card. Author - ( Choosed a card) Blue card. Zeno - Blue card. " Help us !! " I can see, you are only hope. Hurry to the back door of freak show. Author - What does it mean ???? ( Horribly)  Zeno - You will understand...... ( Disappeared)  Scenario 2 - Meet with patty. Author - Finally...I have found you. Do you know what happened now ? Patty - What ????  Author - Explained everything to patty. ( We have to save them )  Patty - Let's go..!!! Scena...

Goosebumps 3

  ( Carnival of Horror )  There were 2 doors. One was red and other was Blue. Now I had to choose one door. I chosen Red door. There I met with "swamp monster"  but I was able to save my life. (End) Then I had decided to go through Blue door. There were a "tall purpul mountain." I went through Doom slide and I met with many people who were wearing strange clothes. They said "you can escape if you will be able to exit before 12Am." I met with my friends petty and brad. Now we had two ways, first was " Hall of the mountain king" and second was "Halloween express. " We had decided to go through first one. We did a lot of struggle but we saved our life. (End)