AI ( Artificial Intelligence ) 

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. In this video I learnt about AI. I learnt thier uses and thier work. I got to know how an AI can enhance and devasted my life. It depends on how I use it. There are many ways in which you can use an AI. 
There are few examples: 
1)  It can reduce human errors.
2) Helpful in repeating jobs.
3) Take risk instead of human.
4) It can be friend of human.
5) It can help paralyse people.
6) It can help in new inventions.

There are few examples of disadvantages of an AI:
1) It can make us lazy.
2) We need very good amount of money to purchase it.
3) It can creat unemployment.
4) It can replace humans.
5) It can't understand our emotions.


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